A Boost mobile store employee was shot to death his place of employment in Phoenix. The shooting occurred Saturday night around 7:30 at the Boost Mobile store on 51st Ave. just south of Southern Ave. A woman came into the store to purchase a cell phone and found 18 year old Jose Ruiz shot to death in the store. Police say that Ruiz was behind the counter and was most likely trying to get to an alarm or panic button when he was shot. Ruiz was the only person inside the store at when the suspect entered the store intending to rob the place and killing Ruiz in the process.

Police do not currently have any suspects and have not been able to find a security camera or video evidence of the crime. They are urging anyone with information to come forward and contact the Phoenix Police Department at at 480-WITNESS or 1-800-343-TIP.

With crimes of this nature it is only a matter of time before people start coming forward with information and a list of suspects start to build. Murder is a serious offense every state and Police dedicate numerous resources and man hours to finding people who commit these crimes. Anyone suspected of murder is advised to speak an attorney before turning themselves over to the police. An attorney can advise you on what your legal options are. It is only a matte of time before the police find you on their own.